ME: ‘My soul doth magnify the Lord and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour, for he hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden.’
DAUGHTER: What the hell are you on about?
ME: Don’t say ‘hell.’ like that. It sounds common. ‘For behold from henceforth, all generations shall call me blessed. For he that is mighty hath magnifed me! And holy is his name!’
DAUGHTER: Pack it in will you.

ME: ‘And his mercy is on them that fear him – throughout all generations.’ This is so cool! I can’t believe I can remember the entire thing!
DAUGHTER: What the … whatever.. is it?
ME: It’s the ‘Magnificat’. When Mary praised God for her pregnancy. I had to learn it … many years in the Anglo-Catholic choir, y’see.
DAUGHTER: Why are you chanting it on the landing?
ME: I’m writing something.
DAUGHTER: You’re hanging the washing out on the radiators.
ME: ‘He has shewed strength with his arm – he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.”
DAUGHTER: Will you just SHUSH!
ME: Sorry. But I’m just amazed… I can remember it all! I haven’t thought of it in years.
DAUGHTER: I’m sure it’ll come in handy.
ME: Oh, it is doing. I do think that the female memory is especially attuned to remembering words – especially when set to music.
DAUGHTER: That’s true. I can remember all the words to ‘Big Red Combine Harvester’ from my pre-school. And that’s probably just as useful as your Magnifiwhat.
ME: You are SO dismissive of religion.
DAUGHTER: SSSHHHHH! I need to tell you something! (Whispers) Boris Johnson’s dad is applying for French Citizenship! Isn’t that hilarious!
ME: (Whispers) Is Boris Johnson in the bathroom?

DAUGHTER: You what?
ME: I’m just wondering why we’re whispering about this. It’s as though you want to keep it a secret.
DAUGHTER: I’m whispering because Dad’s having a lie down.
ME: I can’t believe you interrupted my flow to tell me about Boris Johnson’s dad! I’m going to punish you by reciting the Nunc Dimittis now!
DAUGHTER: My God, My God, Why has thou forsaken me… trapped with this family in the same 4 walls for so long!
ME: See. You do know a bit of the bible, after all.
Lol. Made me laugh that!
Well, we need that – now more than ever! Happy New Year to You xx
I don’t know where you get your material, but it cracks me up.Happy New Year.🥂
I think it were ‘summat inth’ watter’ from where I happened to be born n bred! Happy New Year to YOU too! xx