Heart palpitation moment. After 10 years of rain growing from a trickle-tickle and into an indoor waterfall-feature within your home, you finally realise that you need a bit of a re-roofing jobby. And because your dear wee housie is a 4 storey 1790s weaver cottage, you require the entire thing to be scaffolded-up. Bummer-moments; the […]
You’re So Vane
The other day I embarked on a blog, prior to opening my birthday presents of 2016. Well. Yours truly was delighted with the fact that even more ‘needed’ and ‘odd’ gifts came her way. So here goes … I’ll openly admit to anyone that I’ve never been reet-impressed with status symbols, brands, the latest in […]
Chocs Away!
Well, I thought that ‘Chocs Away’ was a much better title than ‘All About My Book Launch.’ If you are a newcomer to this blog (welcome pals!) then you will soon discover that my daughter has dyslexia and that it leads to many interesting ‘language moments’ … (See ‘Be Enterprising’ blog below.) As we were […]
The Five Minutes of Fame (or shame?)
Had a thoroughly enjoyable experience being interviewed on BBC Radio Leeds this week. Wes Butters – what a lovely chap. Butters by name and butters by … Well. As you can hear – he started by being ever so nice to me, and then tried to grill me about all of the politicians that I’ve […]