I’m trying to navigate the ridiculously complicated system in order to book an online parents’ evening – with 14 different teachers: ME: (Shouting downstairs) GET UP HERE NOW AND TELL ME WHO YOUR TEACHERS ARE! THE BOOKING SYSTEM OPENS IN 30 SECONDS! SON: (Calling back) Why are you on time for this? You’re never on […]
Past Chats
Son’s hair still looks like a bird nest and he’s just returned from a couple of days with the grandparents: ME: Nice time? What did you do? SON: Oh, they took me for my dinner at Morrisons cafe. It was amazing. I had a bacon butty with about 6 slices of bacon on it and […]
Hair of The Dog
This is a follow-up to my previous ‘someone mistook my son for a dog in a car’ post. I’m driving my 13 yr old to his grandparents for a few days. He’s not been able to kip there since March 2019 and needs a few reminders: ME: Right. Your grandparents won’t be used to the […]
Go Ask Your Mother… Or Even Better -Grill Your Granny
Do you know what an ‘inter-generational’ project is? Sounds riveting, eh? But before you expire of boredom in anticipation of today’s little bloggy-offering, please let me reassure you that this whole ‘inter-generational project’ malarky truly IS something to write home about. That it genuinely IS something that should tickle all of our fancies. In the […]