They keep telling us that society is now becoming more thoughtful and understanding, reflective and kind. But this little comment below, was put on a local Facebook page in response to 3 kids hanging out together “who are clearly not from the same household”:
“It’s a shame that this virus wasn’t more likely to take out teenagers rather than older people. Then they might not be so quick to take advantage of the situation, thinking all the open spaces are their own little playgrounds”.
It got lots of ‘likes’.
I made the mistake of showing that post to my teenaged daughter … and (hey – did anyone here ever have their mouth scrubbed out with soap by their parents? I would try it … But we only have liquid handwash in our house and I’m sure that this wouldn’t be as effective as a bar of carbolic).
For once, there are no words to even dignify a reponse.
Still, the lass brightened up after a bit, and said “well, it makes a change I suppose. The person who wrote that comment about teens is probably the sort who’s usually saying that the NHS is screwed because of all the immigrants. They need a change in the person to hate from one week to the next. Or it must get well-boring.” My son added “What a total freak. Anyway. I’ve been watching out the window for weeks now and it’s never the kids … it’s always the old people who don’t shut the gate outside our house, so that the sheep escape. I’m going to start taking photos of them so you can put them all on Facebook, Mum.”

Naughty, there’s a spelling mistake! You’ve put hear instead of here…! 😆 Good piece though! Xxx
All changed! I shall blame the spell-checker (never admit you’re wrong, a mantra designed to make you a very unpopular person indeed!) xx