We were on the last minute as per usual and I was shoving my son – clad in his scouting uniform – out of the front door, berating him with;
“Hurry up! We’ve got to stop at the Co-op first. I just saw an email from your Scouts leader – everyone needs to bring party food tonight as it’s some random kid’s last session – they’re moving onto whatever-group-you-lot-call-it-next in Scouts. So … what sort of food do you think they’ll like?”
My son goes; “Well, they like sausage rolls and Cadbury’s Fingers.”
“Oooh,” I said. “Just like you!!”
“That’s because I’M the actual ‘random kid’ in the email,” he replied.
I then got accused of not being interested in his Scouting Career and not reading my emails carefully enough. And I had to buy him off with 4 extra packs of Cadbury’s Fingers.