Even in England! Even in our Yorkshire and Lancashire neck of the woods! A region of prolific debate and considered discourse … (especially when we start talking about whether you call a certain breaded product a ‘bap’, a ‘teacake’ or a ‘muffin.’)
A spat between siblings on the walk to school over the Scottish question again.
Here the 6 yr old ended up sulking because “If Scotland leaves us – that will be rubbish. As we won’t be able to get dragons anymore.”
Older sister told him to “Stop being a div. The red dragon thingy is all to do with the Welsh.”
Smaller child not happy about this. Hence the sourpuss face…

But, hell. If you want to read something more considered and more in relation to the thorny question – please go and read the blog of one of my best buddies in the world. Our kid from the next street in Mucky Duki.
The amazing Stuart Vallantine… http://bit.ly/1qhgRrs