Two books in one year ..? I got a little bit carried away when it came to my latest research and writing project.
I decided that the best way to tell the astonishing ‘hidden’ story of my great x 3 grandad, was by producing both a non-fiction, historical biography (‘His Own Man’) and a work of creative fiction (‘Imagining Robert’).

Robert was one Britain’s first working-class mayors in Britain. As a child, he was part of Ashton under Lyne’s Christian Israelite sect and he grew up to fight for the rights of oppressed cotton mill workers. As a Tory mayor, he led on municipal socialist reforms, witnessed the Lancashire Cotton Famine, Stalybridge’s Bread Riots and the Murphy Riots. He converted to Islam at the age of 69, becoming known as “Robert ‘Reschid’ Stanley”. He was a close friend of famous convert William ‘Abdullah’ Quilliam and was the Vice-Chair of the UK’s first mosque in Liverpool‘.
But after his death, our family covered up his conversion to Islam – for nearly 100 years. Discovering this aspect of his life had an profound impact on us all; particularly given the fact that my own brother, had himself converted to Islam – a decade before we learned the truth about Robert.

I have written Robert’s story using two different styles. The first book – ‘His Own Man’ – is a historical biography and will be of interest to those who like their details and facts. However, I am all too aware that working-class history hides the lives of women and those who lacked status, so ‘Imagining Robert’ is a collection of short plays and monologues which brings to life those who have previously been ‘voiceless’ – using some entertaining storylines as well as a dash of humour! This book can also be used by schools and community groups to put on performances that will fulfil curriculum requirements (esp. History, RE, Citizenship, Drama, English). tells you more about this brave and singular man – and how to obtain the books (both available as paperbacks and as eBooks via Kindle). ***NB – ‘His Own Man’ is currently being re-printed, due to being sold out – paperback copies will be available again by 25th Sep 2020***
My second novel, ‘Cuckoo in the Chocolate’ is the sequel to ‘Mind Games and Ministers’ (although of course, you don’t have to have read the first book). The storyline is focused on the life of Rachael Russell, a bereaved woman with young children who has somehow ended up in a relationship with a senior Government Minister. Despite the fact that:
a) He isn’t fond of kids.
b) She’s a proud n’ prejudiced northerner.
d) His government’s cuts will pull the plug on her workplace.
e) He’s ex-military and as posh as they come. She’s a working class feminist, (who can no longer afford the CND membership).
f) Shaun, her dangerously addictive Yorkshire-ex from years ago, is suddenly back on scene.
Still, nothing fazes Rachael. Not even when she ends up inadvertently flashing her booty at the Prime Minister and when her daughter is the cause of a major national religious row.
But then something happens that even Rachael, Goddess of Farce and Disasters, would not have expected.
Will she ever be able to laugh again?
“If you liked the character of Rachael Russell in ‘Mind Games and Ministers’, you’ll LOVE the plot developments of ‘A Cuckoo in the Chocolate.”
And if you’ve ever felt frustrated as hell, working in a local authority or being subject to ‘austerity’ cuts – you’ll truly enjoy both of these books! Out now on Amazon as a paperback and also on Kindle.
My first novel was published in 2014 and is available on Amazon as a paperback – as well as an eBook via Amazon Kindle .‘Mind Games & Ministers’ charts the challenges facing Rachael Russell; a woman struggling to cope with the death of her husband, the shock of lone parenting, ever-increasing debts, the resurrection of an affair with a former colleague and most recently a bit of a fling with a Government Minister.
But can Rachael – serious feminist and left-wing campaigner – cope with a new shock? Tabloid newspaper exposure leads to her starring as the Minister’s Mystery Blonde Biker Bimbo from Brindleford – Manchester’s toughest housing estate . . .
You can buy the book here. You can review or recommend the book on here.
Really enjoyed your 1st book about Rachael and looking forward to the next one!
That’s v kind of you to say so! Appreciate it. Am enjoying the pruning and tweaking of ‘part two.’ Taking bets on whether that Shaun gets his come uppance pr not. Can’t think why no one likes hi. He’s a dear…