I did anticipate that Mothering Sunday would be as ordinary as it is every year here – i.e. we’ve never really bothered with it.
In fact, my 12 year old sudden realised what day it was and went; “Well aren’t you going to open your presents, Mum?”
I said “Oooh – have I got presents?”
He goes “Dunno. I didn’t get you any and I don’t think anyone else has.”
Then he shouts his sister and she goes “No, I’ve not got her nowt. And Dad won’t have done.”
Ah, a bit of normality and regularity, amidst the storm….
(P.S. In the end I *did* receive a piece of paper/card that had 2 Lego minifigures stuck with sellotape on it. With a note saying ‘can I have them back in a minute?’)