Which was nice. So, having recently published my second one (a sequel, if you like – ‘Cuckoo in the Chocolate’) I took the opportunity to ask the artist who designed ‘Cuckoo’, to have a bash at a new cover for a second edition of ‘Mind Games.’
And I’ve been chuffed to mintballs with it. Good stuff, eh?

Flora Rustamova is her name. She not only happens to be one of the most intelligent people on the face of this earth, but she is also a damned hard worker, has the biggest heart in the northern hemisphere and is a dedicated community activist and human rights campaigner. On top of all of that, she is sickeningly talented at both writing and illustrations/ design.
And did I mention that she is a proud Yorkshirewoman and little furry animals trail after her as though she’s Snow White? Probably because she smells nice too.
One of the things that I’ve loved the most about working with Flora, is that she listens carefully to your ideas, doesn’t laugh at your pathetic little ‘example scribbles’ and then she just quietly slips away and works like a Trojan to come up with various spectacular illustrations – bang on time. She’s also up for a bit of a cheeky experiment. Have a look at the map of ‘Yorkshire vs Lancashire’ that she drew for me in ‘Cuckoo.’ Brill, eh?
Please go find out more about what she does – on Instagram @handdrawndasha