What shocked me the most about the recent brutal killing of the French journalists was not so much the utterly abhorrent and evil act itself – but the polarity of discourse in relation to what led to the attacks. I’m sure that there are some better examples than the ones that I’ve been exposed to but so far it seems to be either ‘an attack on democracy’ or ‘this is the fault of multiculturalism and pandering too much to the muslims.’ Where’s the context? Where’s the invitation for some proper plans and projects to unravel some of this horrible lack of understanding which has been allowed to develop between those members of the human species who seem to have been segregated into two camps – ‘muslims’ and ‘non muslims.’ Are we facing a new apartheid? Whatever religious (or non-religious) thought we happen to follow, do we really want to buy into this kind of rhetoric?
So here’s my own, personal context and a couple of examples. Regular readers of this blog may be aware that half of my family of origin are ‘muslims.’ But that my own background has also involved exposure to extremist religious thought. No – not those pesky muslims again whaddartheylike – but extremist christianity. I won’t bore you with what all of this entailed (and to be honest – it’s actually that juicy that I’m saving it for my autobiography) but suffice to say that there was a time when I had a lot more sympathy with those particular minority followers of Islam who get all sniffy (or murderous) about whether Mohammed was being dissed or not. You see, affluent christians in the west also got/get naffed off about New Age crystal-twirling, scientists who tell us that we are descendents of monkeys, Harry Potter and films that portray Jesus as being a bit racy. Some of these people nearly pee their pants over the line ‘He’s not the Messiah! He’s a very naughty boy!’

Yesterday I had a bit of a flashback to 1989. I remembered that when it came to Salman Rushdie and the fatwa, I had been thinking along these lines “Well of course the man should be able to write whatever he wants. This is a democracy! But come on… he was a bit daft…surely he should have realised what would happen…” I ran this dusty old memory past my other half too and his recollection of 1989 had been similar, but with a twist of; “and what will the cost to the taxpayer’s purse of his posh literary wibblings be now that he have to pay for his protection day and night…?” (sheesh – and people say Yorkshiremen are tight – you wanna meet a Brummie-born boy!)
The interesting point of all of this though – is that both of us have come to the same conclusion. Perhaps it’s been a result of the jobs that we’ve both done. Perhaps it’s having travelled the world and met zillions of different people with different religious persuasions and political opinions. Perhaps it’s maturity. Or perhaps it’s because I now believe much more in tackling the roots of where extremism comes from rather than heading off on a knee-jerk reaction – a witch hunt. For me there is a very real, close to home fear of a backlash against muslims whenever any kind of atrocity carried out by some sicko in the name of so-called Islam takes place. I remember just a couple of days after 9/11 when a friend of my sister in law – who also wears a hijab – was wandering down the frozen food aisle of Asda when she was suddenly approached by a skinhead who grabbed her, punched her in the face and spat “that’s for The Towers – paki bitch!”)
But perhaps it’s simply a matter of maturity. Either way – my sentiment these days towards Salman Rushdie and the french cartoonists and their equivalents is this – if someone else creates something – whether it be words, art, music or a cartoon – that makes you feel defensive, scared, angry or insulted about a set of beliefs that you happen to have about the way the world works, then the first port of call for judge n’ jury should be with yourself. Those extreme emotions are about you. Not the person who gave birth to an opinion or an act of creation.

There was an incident recently in a Derbyshire school where a headteacher was vilified for having copied the Roger McGough poem ‘The Lesson’ into her ‘welcome back to school’ newsletter. You can read a local news report about it here. http://bit.ly/1wYvm70
At the far end of the spectrum, many parents were horrified, were disgusted, cue newspaper headlines etc. At the other end of the scale, lots of us were thinking “well – that was a bit of an error of judgement on her part – I mean it IS an amusing poem but doesn’t the headteacher realise that lots of parents lack a sense of humour when it comes to their children and jokes about violence? Big miscalculation!” But there we have it, don’t we? Is this an act of creation (by Roger McGough, by the teacher wanting to share a funny poem with jaded parents) – that has fallen victim to another set of beliefs that folk are not allowed to offend or to produce anything a little bit quirky or non run-of-the-mill? Or what?
What do we think about that one? We live in a democracy, the headteacher didn’t joke about Islam… and the life of this excellent teacher hasn’t been threatened. But her job and standing in the community has been challenged because she said or did (or reproduced something) in a manner that offended some people. People get so upset… even about these comparatively small things…
But returning to challenging extremism of any kind. One of my favourite writers is a chap named Adrian Plass (he’s probably the most well known modern Christian writer in the world these days – sort of a more humourous version of CS Lewis.) Anyway, the folk that I used to hang out with during my hate-mail to Monty Python days felt that our Adrian was far too rude about christianity (even though his books unashamedly set out to teach your about it – I mean the guy’s hardly Aleister Crowley). They felt that he was too ‘irreverent’ and ‘disrespectful.’ But there was something in the fella’s writing that always touched me. Honesty and humour in relation to the human condition, I guess. But what offended the anti-Adrian folk the most was that he was poking fun at them (as well as himself, cause if you can’t do that… then you really need to get out a bit more eh?)
And back to the cartoons. As well as being the perfect antidote to a really crappy day, or a really bleak mood – I still swear by Bill Watterson’s stuff. But more than that. I began to read Calvin and Hobbes at the same time when I was plotting to block the entrances to shops that sold Halloween outfits. And thank the Good Lord that I did… because such dry wit and humour took the edge of my more fundy tendencies. I was introduced to new words, concepts, debates – as well as the wonders of having an imaginary tiger as a pet, of course. I learned that ‘Calvinism’ was actually something to be mocked – a group of people to feel sorry for – rather than something to aspire to (and yeah – I’m actually serious again with regards to that little comment…)

And this is what a clever artist – whether it be a painter, a film-maker, a cartoonist or a writer does. And it isn’t just about poking fun at the establishment, at an economic system or a religion. It’s about harnessing an element of the human condition and communicating it to others. Learning by stealth, perhaps. For me- it isn’t just about protecting the rights of those journalists to produce their work without fear of being attacked. It’s about sticking up for the teacher who might have dared to have said or done something slightly different than the norm and who has used an outlandish sense of humour. It’s about having some tolerance for those who have different beliefs from you and it’s about never – ever – thinking about using violence against someone for an act of creation.
(Unless of course it’s Russell Howard – because I find some of his jokes to be really offensive. And my other half going ‘JUST LEAVE THE ROOM THEN, YOU DAFT BINT’ simply doesn’t scratch my itch sufficiently…)

“The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn.”-Luther
RIP Charlie B Guys.
Hi Chris. What happened and is still happening in France today is scary, very scary in fact. What are we to expect in the days to come? More senseless terrorist attacks? A massive backlash against the Muslim community and riots across the country? Now it seems that the Jewish community in Paris is also a target… While I hope the majority of population of all backgrounds is likely to remain calm and sensible (or so I want to believe), there are bound to be a few crazy people who will take this situation as a perfect opportunity to stir up trouble – in the name of their religion (and which religion condones violence?), or just for the sake of it. I think there is a very real risk of multi-cultural societies disintegrating before our eyes….
I completely agree with you and would like to see your excellent post published in a newspaper somewhere, to remind people about the virtues of tolerance and understanding. At the same time, though, I keep telling my children to be careful about what jokes they tell, in case someone may be offended. It’s not the usual ‘we don’t say rude or horrible things to anyone’, but the ‘be careful with your words, in case someone might mis-interpret what you mean’. Yes, the extreme emotions are down to how we choose to react, not the contents of the message we are reacting to. Unfortunately, many people don’t seem to understand that. Thank you for posting this. Chris.
But isn’t it awful…? The lesson you are having to teach your kids (well-not that you are teaching them respect for others…
) but the horrific context in which you feel the need to do this!
Like… we are robbing them of innocence…the lifelong learning process of flippancy (which I admit-that I definitely haven’t mastered.)
What really concerns me the most is that we lack safe spaces for such discussion and exploration – sonetimes within families. Certainly within our communities! I’m bloody confused and stressed (despite the usual appearance of merriment) so Gawd knows how under 18 yr olds must feel.
Keep listening, less talking (ourselves), more discernment… is probably the best course of action – but even that is being portrayed as ‘pandering to multiculturalism’ and other such tosh.
Oh for a Gandhi or a Nelson M right now…
Yes, it is dreadful, absolutely. I think I was much happier growing up than my children, they are bombarded with bad news all the time, aren’t they. As much as I would like to shelter them from all the horrible things, they still find out about them. They sense an atmosphere of general mistrust and fear and feel confused – I wasn’t when I was a child. How do I explain to them, without making them paranoid, that some people are just bad and they have to be careful about who and how they speak to? I feel very frustrated with all this and often plain angry. My youngest recently announced he was never going to Turkey on holiday again because he had no wish to be slaughtered by ISIS – we are talking a primary school child here… We are a mixed family, so there are plenty of discussions at home about differences between people and tolerance for others; I wish more people discussed these issues, in a positive, constructive manner…
It’s such a tough issue! I can imagine how confusing it is for your youngest.Mine come out with ‘similar’ despite being ‘wordly’ and ‘travelled’and exposed to all the stuff we do with different countries and ethnic groups and faiths. I have been horrified at some of the things they trot out (‘nooooo! Don’t say that in school! Where the hell did you get THAT from! Please don’t tell the teachers you learned such terminology at home!!’ But i do think that this fear of ours is actually as dangerous as brainwashing our kids into extremist thought. Maybe the more honest we are with others as to the raw-gut stuff that our kids come out with-the more we can all stop pretending to be robots who do not have weirdy fears and odd prejudices about others.
I reckon it is the Dis-honesty and the Fear of not revealing our frets and concerns that feeds bigotry.
But yeah…really tricky to convey this to a nipper without scaring the hell out of them! Right now i am yearning for the days when the bloody Daleks were the scariest thing since….Wurzel Gummidge’s head dropping off!
Me too!
I can’t imagine what it’s like to be defined by a single characteristic, be that religion, sexual orientation or something else. Where is the room for tolerance and understanding if one is so sure one is right?