I have let myself down very badly.
I dropped my son off for school this morning and suddenly realised I needed to check something with him. So, I kerb crawled him and yelled through the open window: “By the way – have you got extra GCSE Science after school today?”
He called back; “No, I’ve decided I’m going to extra History instead,” so I shouted; “Well, why aren’t you going to Science?” He goes “Because it’s boring and History isn’t!”
So, I carried shouting “Well, I’d rather you go to Science! It’s a bit more important than History!!”
At this point, a man standing outside the library decided to join in and yelled over to us;
And me being a historian as well.
But this is what the Science sorts do to you. They mess with your head.
UPDATE: He just walked through the door. I said; “Did you go to History?”
He goes “No, Science.” I automatically replied; “Good lad!”
I really loathe myself today.
(NB – enjoy this link to our family’s favourite Horrible Histories clip – very pertinent to our local area and utterly wonderful…. THE LUDDITES)