Being mindful of protecting myself and others (of course), when I have to go to the supermarket, I tend to wear gloves.
So, today I asked my son to pass me a pair of gloves that I’d seen on the stairs (not unusual in my house – nothing is returned to where it should be.)
I got to the supermarket and proceeded to put my gloves on. Unfortunately, it turned out that they were not gloves. They were actually a pair of my son’s socks. Sure, they were surprisingly clean, but it proved to be extremely difficult to pick up tins and to input the pin number for my credit card.
Still, the knackered looking woman on the checkout said that it was the best laugh she’d had in weeks. And the lady on the checkout next to her asked me; “do they have names? and can you do us a little sock puppet show? It might cheer the more miserable swines that we have to put up with in here.”
Perhaps some of you might like to follow my lead and see if you can find any more amusing items to wear on your hands/face, as you trundle round the aisles…