(Conversation between me and my 12 yr old son)
ME: …And when you’re emailing your teacher, don’t forget to say thanks.
SON: Thanks for what?
ME: For her replying to your email.
SON: That’s her job.
ME: Yes, but … it’s nice to say ‘thank you” to someone.
SON: No other kids will.
ME: Yes they will. Anyway, She said this to you “thanks for sending me your poem, it really cheered me up as it was very funny.”
SON: So, you want me to thank her for thanking me?
ME: Yes – well. You know. It’s just good manners.
SON: So, I’m thanking her for … her thanking me … for me doing my job?
ME: Sort of. And it’s good to be grateful. And to appreciate people. Like she appreciated you sending her the poem.
SON: Well…. you’ve never stood on the doorstep and clapped for me!
ME: This is NOT THE POINT – OKAY? Just …. fine! Don’t say thank you. And she’ll know what a ratbag you really are.
SON: Your sinister guilt-trips won’t work on me, you know.