A road rage incident today was narrowly avoided. Due to cultural and ethnic awareness. I’m pleased to say.
Scene: I’m driving. My 11 year old is in the passenger seat next to me. It’s half term. I’ve nearly murdered him on at least four occasions. But right now we’re happy. A car is coming towards us. It’s his right of way. It’s a tight squeeze on these country lanes. I stop, let him have right of way, but he pulls alongside me and winds his window down. Angrily.
Me: (Winding window down) You alright?
Him: (Nastily). No. It’s my right of way.
Me: I know. That’s why I let you past
Him: So, why was your son making rude hand gestures at me?!
Me: Uhmm. He wasn’t.
Him: Looked like it to me. What was he doing then?
Me: He was dancing with his hands …to the Punjabi flute music.
Him: Yer what?
Me: Listen…. (I turn the car stereo up, to demonstrate.)
Him: Oh. Oh yeah. Right. Sorry.
He drives off. I hear his wife chastising him.
Punjabi Flute Music: 1 Aggressive Northern Lexus Driver: 0