This evening’s discussion: Fantasy Lockdown: Who would you like to be trapped with?
The discussion took place with me, my husband and our daughter (15). The challenge was; to choose one person you love and can’t be with and one whom you don’t actually know, but rather admire:
ME: Well, the real people that I know… and would want to be with, are my parents of course. And they’ve always come as a package.
DAUGHTER: Yeah, but they’ve always said that they’d never come and live with you as they say they can’t cope with you chopping and changing your plans all the time.
ME: Yeah. And actually … my dad does that thing with rewinding the TV programme if you talk just for even one second because he says “I missed that then!” It’s intolerable.
DAUGHTER: Yeah. My brother does that too. Must be a bloke thing. Who else then?
ME: Okay…the one I don’t know….Paul Merton. I love Paul Merton.

DAUGHTER: Isn’t he that comedian who’s had depression?
HUSBAND: Yeah. It’d be cruel to inflict your mother on him.
DAUGHTER: Well, I’d choose my best mate. And anyone who’s nice to me and spoils me like my grandparents. And for people I don’t know .. uhhm… it’d be [names some dire K-pop group that I’m not allowed to mention here in case someone at school ridicules her in the future.]
HUSBAND: I’d choose my best mate too. I mean, like a man-friend. Not your Mum. I’ve done enough lockdown for a lifetime, with her.
ME: Paul Merton would never speak about me like that. Anyway. Who would you have for your fantasy companion then?
HUSBAND: Oooh, I dunno … Seriously. Dunno.
ME: Oh, come on. Obviously, you’d choose Gwyneth Paltrow.
HUSBAND: God no. She’d be really annoying. She’d keep trying to put empty glasses on my back. Or feed me macrobiotic spinach and all that.

Photos: Wiki and Times Local news