The funnylass posts (and the human interaction) over the last 12 months have been more than a little bit limited. Even my own children have been heard to say; “Who’s that grumpy woman upstairs? I’m sure I’ve seen her before. Maybe Dad’s finally employed a cleaner. Although she’s a bit crap at her job, if he has…”
Researching and writing two books is entirely to blame for all of this. Nothing to do with the fact that I’m an introvert and when the Muse calls…
Anyway, suffice to say that at long last – we have the publication dates, the launch and the first few book tour dates. I’ve been on the telly, on the radio and over the moon at the level of interest shown in the books.
So, it’d be great-super-smashing if any followers of this blog want to come along, propose other dates and/or share this information with others. More details – and tickets – can be booked at