My other half recently came off all “local” Facebook pages. I’m seriously thinking of doing the same after comments on recent stories with regards to sheep and lambs being injured in our area. Because – according to one bright spark, apparently “we’ve seen Asian men with knives in the area” and “no doubt this will be to do with Ramadan”. And of course, this has snowballed and gone unchallenged on the page itself.

Well, if Muslims are marauding about ‘our’ area and butchering animals, they’re obviously pretty crap at it, because you’d think they’d need to take the animal with them to eat. Rather than just killing it and leaving it there.
Secondly, should we also be blaming ‘The Asians’ for killing birds too? Since lockdown, we keep finding dead birds and masses of feathers in our street. Is this also some sinister sort of Ramadan ritual…?
Those who like hark back to the jolly war time efforts of the past and who also come out with this sort of racist and islamophobic claptrap, might do well to remember “Careless talk costs lives.”
(Ps. my theory on the dead bird increase is CATS. They’re currently feeling like I do. They’re in a huge rage that humans are in their spaces, they have no lonesome time anymore…. and they need to vent. I sympathize. I really do. Still, I’ve not killed any birds yet – so the cats have no excuse really.)