In the car with the 13 yr old. A song comes on Radio 2.
SON: It’s funny, I always thought Bob Dylan was black. And then I saw a picture of him and he turned out to be white.
ME: Eh?
SON: And I like his music, but it’s a shame he hates women.
ME: Eh?
SON: You know, where he blames women for all the problems in the world – “No Woman – No Crime”.
ME: I think you’re getting confused with Bob Marley.
SON: Oh. Is this nearly as stupid as you getting Dobby the Elf mixed up with JaJa Binks?
ME: No, it’s far worse. Anyway, this song is Elvis Costello. Not Bob Marley. Or Bob Dylan.
SON: Elvis Costello. Is that the one who died on the toilet with a hamburger?
ME: Can you put Radio 4 on please?
SON: Why must you always be trying to educate me?